For those of you unfamiliar with Ann Arbor, Michigan, we are probably in the running for Organic Food Consumption Capital of the World. We have at least six organic food store as well as a farmers market full of organically food grown by local farmers. Anyway, one of the luxuries that I have acquired from all this organic food craze is that I have milk delivered to my home by Calder Dairy and it is in glass bottles. Since we live in a 90 year old home which
obviously had servants to bring in the milk, we have a milk box. Now where are those servants today?
Organic food consumption is a great thing. It puts pressure on industry to produce wholesome food, and treat animals properly. I never thought I'd say this, but Go Ann Arbor!!
That is so cool!!
I am starting to buy as much as I can that is organic!
Man, I'm jealous... I want a milkman to bring our milk!
I'd get the milk just for the truck! how cool of you...my litte horse girl is a 'go green' kind of girl...she would love this!
Oh, I'm going to google Calder Dairy and see if they deliver here in the northern suburbs of Detroit. Thanks for the tip.
I love their truck too.
Hi, it's me again. Calder Dairy doesn't deliver here but I discovered your book store and ordered a few books. This is the first time I've seen this before, thanks for the recommendations and I hope you get a little something for having the link on your blog.
We have milk delivery in Seattle too. Not in glass bottles though. The cow truck pulls up every thursday and drops off our milk (and other dairy products) in our adorable milk box.
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