This is the pace in which I will be going to our isolated land in the north to hide during the revolution. (Lope: a pace between a trot and gallop)
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. " — Margaret Thatcher
When did those in the private sector become the enemy--those who give us jobs, pay huge corporate income taxes, feed our families, etc? Anyone or a family making over $200,000 will soon to be in trouble, so watch out. Just remember, as evil as the AIG executives are made to be by the press, remember, your elected officials gave them this money, unconditionally and did not properly oversee it. Who is really evil here? Why was AIG given our money in the first place? These AIG employees, like you and me, who happen to work for the wrong company, are receiving death threats and made out to be criminals. Why is our President doing this to his citizens?
The outrage in the masses looks like the French Revolution--are these executives soon to be walked to the guillotine? --or in modern times, fed to the press? When will this outrage be directed toward the government? Why isn't anyone standing in front of Senator Dodd's house with torches? You wonder why? Your government redirected your anger to the AIG executives and even my beloved Fox News is following the party line. Where are the business people--get some business degrees and run a few companies FOX NEWS!

A least the Guillotine can be Preppy!
NO REWARD TO WORK HARD OR FOR YOUR TALENTSNext, if you are receiving a bail out, there will no more bonuses--so if you save your company $10,000,000, you will get chocolates , flowers or a nice pat on the back. The talented people will go the industries in which the government isn't involved. So, say good bye to banks, auto companies, etc. Just look at the Post Office, Sec. State Offices, etc. The government cannot do anything right.
Just remember, next it will be Drs., Lawyers, or anyone who makes money from the government (Medicare/Medicaid) will not make over $200,000.
P.S. Just remember, several public University Presidents make over $1,000,000 and tuition goes up 10% a year--now that is criminal!
When corporate executives, who did nothing illegal, have to be protected by police because of the President of the United States is attempting to be the Czar of Outrage(in addition to the Czar of Health Care, Czar of Energy, etc), we have a problem. The words ...HOPE, COPE, DOPE, POPE, NOPE are not longer effective. Just a big....HELP!