Tagged by Diary of a Southern Belle who is gracious, kind and a fabulous shopper. Check out her blog:
So here's the rules:
List 5 obsessions/addictions that you have
Tag back to the person who gave you the award-oh I guess
Post the Rules
Tag 5 more people!
My Obsessions!
1. Lilly Pulitzer (a common theme I think)
2. Stationery (engraved, beautiful, fun, stationery)
3. Ribbon (always purchasing)
4. Travel --always thinking and planning
5. Sideboards--I am looking for a wonderful, mahogany George V pedestal sideboard. Seems like it would be easy, but it is not.
TAG #2 TAGGED BY Pink Tutu. Love your blog and thanks for tagging me.
1. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Charlie Brown's Christmas--It's a classic and Snoopy makes me laugh every time.
2. Favorite Christmas song? "We Need a Little Christmas"--peppy and fun--remember this song from the movie MAME that she sang during the depression after she lost everything?
3. Favorite holiday memory? Wow, so many wonderful memories..cooking hot dogs in our fireplace while we decorated the Christmas tree, going to the Mayflower Hotel in Plymouth for Christmas Eve dinner, reading the Night Before Christmas with my dad, baking cookies with my mom, my grandparent's home in Greenville, MI and the hand made stockings my grandma M made me and the 10+ year quest for the perfect Christmas tree Star!
4. What is your favorite cookie/treat to make? Snowball Cookies--I am shallow, they are delicious and look beautiful in my Waterford Crystal biscuit jar.
5. Have you ever made an igloo? I have tried and have been buried alive in the process-I survived obviously
. 6. Do you love Starbucks? Yes, Skinny Hazelnut Latte
7. What makes the perfect snowman? Carrot Nose, you have to have the Carrot Nose-- also a kit from from Amazon $19.95.
8. This one is missing . . .
9. Best gift you ever received? Dancerina and if you touch that crown, she would spin around!

10. What is the snowman's name on Rudolph? Sam--I think?
. 11. Silver or gold? For holiday decorations: Gold
12. What is your favorite Christmas decoration? My tree!
13. What's your Christmas decorating style? Traditional
14. Do you hang stockings? Yes.. at our home and my mothers (she still hangs stockings for us and has for past 45 years).
15. How many days do you celebrate Christmas? At least a month
16. What was your favorite ornament on the tree as a child? Stained Glass ornaments and Santa
17. Where will you be spending this Christmas? Home and at my mother and father's home
18. When do you open presents? Morning (the Christmas Elf visits our house Christmas eve and gives PJs and this year (new) ornaments).
I am passing this tag onto those fabulous Preppy Party People on my followers list. Please play along and thank you for stopping by and listening to what I have to say.
I enjoyed your answers! They are so great!
Im obssesed too about planning all my travels. I love to visit all cities I go. Good Luck in your looking for the sideboard, mom always says that say simple is say difficult to find. Happy Weekend.
PS: Sorry for the mistakes!!!
Humm, our "obsessions" are quite similar. What is it about engraved stationery and a fabulous sideboard? I'm so with you!
Oh my gosh, I think I had that Dancerina!! Or am I getting it mixed up with a doll whose pony tail would grow? I'm so confused and my memory is horrible, but I wonder if they still make Dancerina!
I had Dancerina, too. I forgot all about her! funny.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for your kind words.
I had dancerina too, but her hair always got all twisted up in her crown....forgot all about her until I saw your post! :)
Hope you had a merry Christmas!
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