Monday, October 6, 2008


Well, I just returned home from a wonderful weekend in Chicago. Dirty Dancing was incredible! We loved the dancing and a very cleaver stage presentation! Lunch at Ralph Lauren, Neiman Marcus (love those warm popovers), Tea at the Peninsula, Red Door Spa, Mario Tricoci and dinner at the Atwood Grill. Overall, great fun and relaxing--thanks sis!
Ralph Lauren Dirty Dancing
"No one puts Baby in the corner"
"I carried a watermelon"


Mojito Maven said...

ooo i'm going to chicago on wednesday...i may have to check out some of these restaurants...sounds like you had a great time!

Hopsy said...

Oh RL, I am very jealous! Your weekend sounds fabulous and a great way to start off fall!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Sounds like a GREAT trip! You stopped at some of my favorite places! I'm really excited to see DD!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a blast!!

The Mrs. said...

Sounds so fantastic!!! I want to go to that Ralph Lauren restaurant so bad!