Well, I took a little vacation from blogging and then became engrossed in the political game unfolding these past two weeks. I did not want to blog about my views, interpretations etc., because very few from the competing side will agree and this blog is suppose to be fun to read.
One item that I believe all women and bloggers may agree on is the treatment of our Presidential/Vice Presidential candidates by the media. Whether you supported Hillary or currently McCain, something is not right when we present strong, highly qualified women and all the media seems to talk about is there clothing, marriage or children. In particular, the media seems to focus on how bad of wife (Hillary--should have divorced Bill) or how poor of mother (Palin) tend to be. I have yet to hear any of Hillary's nor Palin's accomplishments presented.
If you are adoring wife, we (the women of America) are dying to know why your husband loves you so much! Maybe the women in this country have brains and want to talk about qualifications and issues here!!
Picking on a 17 year old child of a candidate is inexcusable and trashy---US Magazine will never be purchased by our family again-mostly my daughters like this trash and that will give me even more of a reason.
Sorry, don't get me started!