Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Yes, my summer is going well, I think? I am very busy driving my little darlings back and forth to our Country Club which is 1/2 hour round trip. Six trips for PPPG Shuttle Service yesterday. My children have junior golf, driving range practice, group tennis lessons, private tennis lessons, swim team practices, swim meets, etc. This does not include playdates, tutoring, etc. Last night we had a 20th Anniversary Dinner for some friends (yes, on a Tuesday) and getting everyone up and out by 8:00 am was tough. I think I am having fun. .


Muffy said...

Oh, what a DARLING car! I wish I were chauffeured in THAT one daily! ;)

Tickled Pink And Green said...

How much is your gas bill?!

I want that pink taxi.

Jello said...

I want that pink taxi asap :]
Why do we not have these in the US of A?

Jello said...

I want that pink taxi asap :]
Why do we not have these in the US of A?